The 9 Kettlebell Exercises For Swimmers To Add Into Their Workouts

Swimming at a high level requires a swimmer to have high levels of muscle mass. Making kettlebell workouts with a vairety of exercise a great option for aspiring swimmers. Or just for those looking to stay active and vary their fitness.

4 min read
Sean Klein
Written by
Sean Klein
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Last updated
In This Resource
  • The 11 Kettlebell Exercises For Swimmers To Add Into Their Workouts
  • Common Questions
  • Is The Kettlebell Swing Exercise Good For Swimmers?
  • What Workouts Are Good For Swimming?
  • How Do I Make My Swimmers Stronger and Increase Power?
  • Do Professional Swimmers Lift Weights Like Kettlebells?

Kettlebells can be the tool used to acheive this goal of having a strong well rounded body. I have included exercises from all the key movement patterns and some core work that can be incorperated into swimmers full body resistance training programmes.

The 11 Kettlebell Exercises For Swimmers To Add Into Their Workouts

Buy Kettlebells
Upper Body
Horizontal Pull
Buy Kettlebells
Upper Body
Horizontal Press
Buy Kettlebells
Lower Body
Buy Kettlebells
Buy Kettlebells
Resisting Rotation
Buy Kettlebells
Lower Body
Buy Kettlebells
Anterior Core
Buy Kettlebells
Lower Body
Buy Kettlebells
Lower Body
Buy Kettlebells
Upper Body
Shoulder Health
Buy Kettlebells

Common Questions

Is The Kettlebell Swing Exercise Good For Swimmers?

They probably have little to no transfer to swimming but might be good mixed into a full body resistance training programme for health and well beings. The kettlebell swing is great, but it is by no means the be all and end all of kettlebell exercises.

What Workouts Are Good For Swimming?

Almost all training to get better at swimming will be done by swimming, that being said, in order to stay healthy and have a balanced body adding in full body resistance training into your training regime if your not a professional or competetive swimmer may be beneficial.

How Do I Make My Swimmers Stronger and Increase Power?

Resistance training, this can be done through bodyweight exercises like press ups or through lifting weights. Resistance training consists of moving your body through different movement patterns (e.g.squat) with load or using your bodyweight.

Do Professional Swimmers Lift Weights Like Kettlebells?

Yes. They do this to add and maintain muscle mass, most top swimmers have high levels of muscle mass. This is especially important for when your a sprinter.

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This resource was written by Sean Klein. Sean Richard Klein has thousands of hours of coaching experience and a BSc in Sports Science with Management from Loughborough University. He owns a gym in Bayonne France, CrossFit Essor, which runs group classes and a Personal training studio.

Sean Klein


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