6 Lumbar Core Exercises To Strengthen Your Lower Back

The lumbar spine muscles are an important muscle group to focus on building when looking to create a robust core infrastructure. Thankfully you don’t have to just use hinge variations to create the desired adaptations in the lumber muscles. In-fact there are plenty of core specific exercises that will create a stimulus to grow the lumbar spine muscles specifically. We have put together a list of 6 of the most effective core variations for the lumbar spine that you can add into your workouts.

5 min read
Sean Klein
Written by
Sean Klein
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Last updated
In This Resource
  • 6 Lumbar Core Exercises To Strengthen Your Lower Back
  • Benefits Of Lumbar Core Exercises
  • 1. Can Help Reduce Chronic Pain
  • 2. Can Help Mitigate Injury
  • 3. Improve Athletic Performance
  • How to Use Lumbar Core Exercises
  • 1. Ensure Use of Great Technique
  • 2. Use within a Balance Full Body Resistance Training Program
  • 3. Use Non-Specific Exercises as well as Specific Exercises
  • Sample Core Workout To Strengthen Your Lower Back
  • More Core Exercises

6 Lumbar Core Exercises To Strengthen Your Lower Back

Buy Bands
Resisting Rotation
Lumbar Stability
Buy Kettlebells
Resisting Rotation
Buy a Bench
Lumbar Stability
Buy Kettlebells
Resisting Rotation
Buy Kettlebells
Resisting Rotation

Benefits Of Lumbar Core Exercises

1. Can Help Reduce Chronic Pain

Having a strong lower back can be one of the best predictors of not suffering from chronic back pain, making training this area crucial for those who have suffered from this in the past or for particularly sedentary individuals. Although back pain may lead you to put emphasis on exercises that work directly the lower back, using more general functional core exercises will also be extremely beneficial.

2. Can Help Mitigate Injury

Lower back injuries are some of the most common injuries sustained in both life and sports. Having a strong and able lower back will help mitigate injuries that might occur throughout life, meaning the are very important to put emphasis on for both athletes and general practitioners.

3. Improve Athletic Performance

Athletic performance can be improved, depending on the sport, by having a strong lumbar spine. Take contacts sports like rugby or American football for example, having a strong lower back will help dramatically in positions that athletes find themselves in in these sports.

How to Use Lumbar Core Exercises

1. Ensure Use of Great Technique

The exercises below will cause little to no adaptation if they are done at speed and without control. Each should be done with precision putting focus on the various body parts that are being worked.

2. Use within a Balance Full Body Resistance Training Program

Just training the lumbar spine will have little to not impact if its not integrated into a full body resistance training programme. It’s important to strengthen your body as a whole system rather than looking for adaptation in one specific muscle group.

3. Use Non-Specific Exercises as well as Specific Exercises

All the exercises below specifically target the lumbar spine. This is great and is an effective way to ensure that this body part is being strengthened. However it’s important to remember that specific exercises also dramatically increase the strength of the lumbar spine. Take Back Squats and Deadlifts as example, these two exercises may be the most important exercises for building a strong and resilient lumbar spine.

Sample Core Workout To Strengthen Your Lower Back

Complete 3 rounds

1. Single Arm Front Rack March

Complete 10 repetitions

2. Bird Dog Trap Raise on Bench

Complete 6 repetitions

More Core Exercises

Buy Barbells
Anterior Core
Buy Bands
Anterior Core
Buy a TRX
Anterior Core

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This resource was written by Sean Klein. Sean Richard Klein has thousands of hours of coaching experience and a BSc in Sports Science with Management from Loughborough University. He owns a gym in Bayonne France, CrossFit Essor, which runs group classes and a Personal training studio.

Sean Klein


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