The 10 Full Body Kettlebell Exercises You Need In Your Workout Routine (plus full body kettlebell workout)

Full-body kettlebell exercises are one of the most effective components of a kettlebell workout programme. Each exercise in the list can be used to successfully create a full-body kettlebell workout.

5 min read
Sean Klein
Written by
Sean Klein
Published on
Last updated
In This Resource
  • Add Kettlebells Into Your Workout Programme
  • The 10 Full Body Kettlebell Exercises You Need In Your Workout Routine
  • Full Body Kettlebell Workout
  • Common Questions
  • Can You Do A Full Body Workout With Kettlebell?
  • Can You Build A Good Body With Kettlebells?
  • Is It Okay to Do Kettlebell Exercise Everyday?

The kettlebell is one of the most diverse pieces of equipment when it comes to strength and conditioning, meaning there are a huge variety of full body exercises that they can be used for. This list of kettlebell full body exercises is designed to give you exercises you can add into your full body resistance training session, we even included a sample kettlebell full body workout you can give a try today.

Add Kettlebells Into Your Workout Programme

The 10 Full Body Kettlebell Exercises You Need In Your Workout Routine

Buy Kettlebells
Lower Body
Buy Kettlebells
Lower Body
Buy Kettlebells
Lower Body
Buy Kettlebells
Full Body
Buy Kettlebells
Upper Body
Horizontal Press
Buy Kettlebells
Upper Body
Horizontal Press
Buy Kettlebells
Upper Body
Horizontal Pull
Buy Kettlebells
Upper Body
Horizontal Pull
Buy Kettlebells
Upper Body
Vertical Pull
Buy Kettlebells
Upper Body
Vertical Pull

Full Body Kettlebell Workout

Warm Up

  • Inchworm to press Up
  • Alternating Groiners
  • Deadbug Hold
  • Step 1

    A1) Goblet Squat in Lunge

    A2) Alternating KB Floor Press

    A3) Goblet Cursy Squat

    Step 2

    B1) KB Crush Grip Bent Over Row

    B2) Tall Kneeling Heel Tap

    B3) KB Deadbug

    Step 3

    C1) Single Arm OH KB Hold

    C2) Superman Hold

    Common Questions

    Can You Do A Full Body Workout With Kettlebell?

    Yes this is one of the most effective uses for kettlebell exercises. These workouts can be great for general populations looking to improve their health.

    Can You Build A Good Body With Kettlebells?

    Yes, but a “good body” is very subjective. You can build a very athletic looking physique using kettlebell full body workouts.

    Is It Okay to Do Kettlebell Exercise Everyday?

    Yes its okay, but doing some form of intense exercise like kettlebells everyday probably isnt optimal.

    If you enjoyed this resource you can find more below or try Programme, a fitness app that plans every workout for you – based on your progress, equipment and lifestyle.

    This resource was written by Sean Klein. Sean Richard Klein has thousands of hours of coaching experience and a BSc in Sports Science with Management from Loughborough University. He owns a gym in Bayonne France, CrossFit Essor, which runs group classes and a Personal training studio.

    Sean Klein


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