Golf Exercises - The Best Core Exercises For Golfers (with sample workout)

If your looking to use core exercise workouts to improve your golf and golf exercises, as well as your abdominals in general, read through these exercises you can add to your workout plan.

6 min read
Sean Klein
Written by
Sean Klein
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Last updated
In This Resource
  • Benefits Of Core Exercises For Golf
  • 1. Improve Swing Strength
  • 2. Improve Recovery And Physical Resilience
  • 3. Improve Overall Well-Being
  • How Golfers Should Add Core Work Into Their Exercise Routine
  • 1. Integrate Core Work Into Full Body Resistance Training
  • 2. Do Core At The End Of Practice
  • 3. Do Not Over Strain Yourself
  • The Best Core Exercises For Golfers
  • Sample Core Workout For Golf
  • More Golf Exercises

It’s no secret that having a strong core can have an impact on your golfing game. As can having a strong body in general, hence why most of the top players are investing more heavily in their athletic performance and not just their technique. Here we have some of the most effective core exercises golfers can add into their training routines plus a workout you can try today.

Benefits Of Core Exercises For Golf

1. Improve Swing Strength

Having a strong core will transfer directly to the strength of your swing, if you’ve got consistent technique, this can be a great way to improve drive length, allowing you to hit the golf ball even further. This is also true for having a strong lower and upper body, yes there is a point of diminishing returns when it comes to strength improving drive distance, but most golfers are a long way from this point of physical strength.

2. Improve Recovery And Physical Resilience

Have a strong core and body in general will allow your body to be much more resilient to physical stress including the stress imposed by plating multiple hours of golf, walking long distance and the general repetitious nature of the sport. Using core golf exercises will improve recovery and physical resilience.

3. Improve Overall Well-Being

A strong core can greatly improve overall wellbeing as it can make tasks that might have been challenging prior to doing any physical training easy like carrying your golf bag or playing with your kids.

How Golfers Should Add Core Work Into Their Exercise Routine

1. Integrate Core Work Into Full Body Resistance Training

Core work will be great for your golf performance, but even better will be a full body resistance training program to strengthen you whole body. Golfers know the importance strength and physical capabilities have on their performance and most of the top golfers do this style of training.

2. Do Core At The End Of Practice

If you don’t have time to add a full body resistance training practice into your timetable then you can stack some core work on after your golf practice. This will probably only take 10-15 minutes, twice a week.

3. Do Not Over Strain Yourself

Yes core work can improve performance, especially drive distance, but this needs to be a sustained practice that builds over time in order to be effective. Take your time and add difficulty overtime.

The Best Core Exercises For Golfers

Buy Kettlebells
Buy Bands
Buy Bands
Buy Bands
Anterior Core
Anterior Core
Buy Bands
Resisting Rotation
Anterior Core
Buy Kettlebells
Resisting Rotation

Sample Core Workout For Golf

Complete 3 rounds

1. Half Kneeling Banded Diagonal Chop

Complete 6 repetitions

2. Banded Deadbug Pulses

Complete 8 repetitions

3. Pallof Press with Circle

Complete 8 repetitions

More Golf Exercises

Full Body
Ground Based Movement
Buy Barbells
Lower Body
Buy Barbells
Lower Body

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This resource was written by Sean Klein. Sean Richard Klein has thousands of hours of coaching experience and a BSc in Sports Science with Management from Loughborough University. He owns a gym in Bayonne France, CrossFit Essor, which runs group classes and a Personal training studio.

Sean Klein


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