8 Core Rehabilitation Exercises You Can Try Today To Speed Up Recovery

Core strengthening exercises and physical therapy exercises are an excellent way to both rehabilitate from injuries and increase the strength of the core muscles. Core exercises can be used to prevent back pain, protect the spine and strengthen the pelvis.

4 min read
Sean Klein
Written by
Sean Klein
Published on
Last updated
8 Core Rehabilitation Exercises You Can Try Today To Speed Up Recovery Feature Image
In This Resource
  • 8 Core Rehabilitation Exercises You Can Try Today For Physio Therapy
  • Sample Rehab Core Workout
  • Common Questions
  • How Do You Rehabilitate Your Core Muscles?
  • Can Core Exercises Create Strengthening Of The Back And Spine?

Rehabilitation can be a long and often arduous process, improving your core strength can be an important part of this process. Obviously every injury is different and requires different types of attention to recover from the specific injury. The most important thing to do when recovering from an injury is to consult a professional and make sure your plan is both reasonable and safe. Here are some exercises that you could consider adding into your rehabilitation process if they seem appropriate.

8 Core Rehabilitation Exercises You Can Try Today For Physio Therapy

Buy a Bench ↗
Lumbar Stability
Bird Dog Trap Raise on Bench
Bird Dog Trap Raise on Bench
Buy Dumbbells ↗
Resisting Rotation
DB Single Arm Farmers March
DB Single Arm Farmers March
Anterior Core
Deadbugs with Pause
Deadbugs with Pause
Buy a Rack ↗
Anterior Core
Modified Deadbugs with Isometric Press
Modified Deadbugs with Isometric Press
Buy Kettlebells ↗
Low Windmill
Low Windmill
Buy Bands ↗
Resisting Rotation
Pallof Press
Pallof Press
Anterior Core
Seated Pike Lifts
Seated Pike Lifts
Buy Kettlebells ↗
Resisting Rotation
Single Arm Front Rack March
Single Arm Front Rack March

Sample Rehab Core Workout

Complete 3 rounds

1. Seated Pike Lifts

2. Side Plank Kneeling Leg Raise

Complete 6 repetitions

3. Single Arm Front Rack March

Complete 12 repetitions

Common Questions

How Do You Rehabilitate Your Core Muscles?

The key is to find a good physiotherapist who can give you advice on your specific injury and how to rehabilitate it. Every injury is different and needs different treatment. Once it has been properly rehabilitated it can be strengthened by using core exercises in conjunction with full body resistance training.

Can Core Exercises Create Strengthening Of The Back And Spine?

The spine cannot be made stronger as such, but you can increase its bone density, so it really depends on how you define strong, if you mean making it more resilient to injury then yes. Core exercises can absolutely make the back stronger, especially the lumbar spine.

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This resource was written by Sean Klein. Sean Richard Klein has thousands of hours of coaching experience and a BSc in Sports Science with Management from Loughborough University. He owns a gym in Bayonne France, CrossFit Essor, which runs group classes and a Personal training studio.

Sean Klein


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