12 Double Kettlebell Exercises with Two Full Body Kettlebell Workouts

If your looking to incorporate double kettlebell exercises into your workout program then check out this list. We have a huge variety of exercise you can use to create your next double kettlebell workout.

6 min read
Sean Klein
Written by
Sean Klein
Published on
Last updated
In This Resource
  • Benefits Of Double KB Movements
  • Increasing Load Means Increased Stimulus
  • Efficient (Saves Times)
  • Effective Cardiovascular Movements
  • Add Kettlebells Into Your Workout Programme
  • 12 Double Kettlebell Exercises
  • Double Kettlebell Full Body Workout 1
  • Double Kettlebell Full Body Workout 2
  • Common Questions
  • What Exercises Can You Do with Two Kettlebells?
  • Are Double Kettlebells Worth It?
  • Can I Include Double Kettlebell Exercises In My Strength Program?

If your looking to increase the intensity of your kettlebell workouts by adding a second bell into the mix then keep reading. Here we have 12 of the most effective double / dual kettlebell exercises for you to use in your strength training. We’ve even organised them into to full body sessions so you can start using them today, let’s take a look!

Benefits Of Double KB Movements

Increasing Load Means Increased Stimulus

The single kettlebell is a very effective tool for gaining full body strength and cardiovascular capabilities, so why use two? Well, doubling the kettlebells allows us to massively increase the stimulus through increasing the weights used. This form of bi-lateral training with a kettlebell means the core doesn’t have to be used as much and therefore wont be a limiting factor, allowing us to be more effective at creating strength or hypertrophy adaptations.

Efficient (Saves Times)

Not only does bi-lateral allow us to use more load, it also creates a much shorter workout, making them perfect if your short on time.

Effective Cardiovascular Movements

Double kettlebell exercises are also great in cardiovascular HIIT circuits, but today we are going to be talking through exercises for developing full body strength. These exercises are also great at developing functional strength, meaning the develop multiple adaptations at once, which means they are perfect for people who play lots of sports, for example the double kettlebell farmers carry.

Add Kettlebells Into Your Workout Programme

12 Double Kettlebell Exercises

Buy Kettlebells
Upper Body
Horizontal Pull
Buy Kettlebells
Upper Body
Horizontal Pull
Buy Kettlebells
Upper Body
Horizontal Press
Buy Kettlebells
Upper Body
Horizontal Press
Buy Kettlebells
Upper Body
Vertical Press
Buy Kettlebells
Upper Body
Vertical Press
Buy Kettlebells
Lower Body
Buy Kettlebells
Lower Body
Buy Kettlebells
Lower Body
Buy Kettlebells
Lower Body
Buy Kettlebells
Resisting Rotation
Buy Kettlebells
Resisting Rotation

Double Kettlebell Full Body Workout 1

A1) Alternating Gorilla Row x 8/8

A2) KB Front Rack Reverse Lunge x 20m

A3) Half Kneeling Dual KB Press x 10

B1) KB Floor Press x 12

B2) KB Walking Deadlift x 16

B3) KB Farmers March x 12

Double Kettlebell Full Body Workout 2

A1) KB Bent Over Row x 8

A2) KB Front Rack Reverse Lunge x 20m

B1) Alternating KB Floor Seated Press x 12

B2) Wide Stance KB Straight Leg Deadlift x 10

C1) KB Floor Press in Hollow Hold x 10

C2) OH Carry and Farmers Carry x 10/10m

Common Questions

What Exercises Can You Do with Two Kettlebells?

Please see the list above. If you want to see move exercise variations check out our exercise library.

Are Double Kettlebells Worth It?

Yes, they can add a lot of variety into your training, that being said, if you’re very short on budget they may not be worth it. You might be better off buying a variety of single kettlebells as that will mean you can challenge a larger variety of movement patterns. My personal favourite with double kettlebells is kettlebell exercises for the back , especially the alternating gorilla rows .

Can I Include Double Kettlebell Exercises In My Strength Program?

Yes, but only if they are heavy enough to create a strength stimulus, if you’re coming from a barbell lifting back ground you will need some heavy kettlebells to create this stimulus. As long as they are heavy enough they will increase your strength.

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This resource was written by Sean Klein. Sean Richard Klein has thousands of hours of coaching experience and a BSc in Sports Science with Management from Loughborough University. He owns a gym in Bayonne France, CrossFit Essor, which runs group classes and a Personal training studio.

Sean Klein


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