The Best TRX Core Exercises For Beginners (with sample workout)

The TRX is one of the best tools beginners can use to start their training journey. Here we provide some examples of core exercises that can be done by beginners whilst using their TRX.

5 min read
Sean Klein
Written by
Sean Klein
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Last updated
In This Resource
  • Benefits Of TRX Abdominal Exercises For Beginners
  • 1. Adds Variety
  • 2. Gently Way To Add Difficulty
  • 3. Helps Body Awareness
  • Is TRX Suitable For Beginners
  • The Best TRX Core Exercises For Beginners
  • Sample Beginner TRX Workout For The Core
  • More TRX Exercises

The TRX is one of the most effective ways for beginners to add in slightly more challenging core variations, especially if training at home. People often stick with the same two or three core exercises which can get very boring, with the TRX there are so many exercise variations that are perfect for beginners. Let’s have a look at a few of the most effective TRX core exercises for beginners.

Abdominal training with a TRX workout can be an excellent way for beginners to make their training more challenging. A trx ab workout using just basic TRX exercises is all you need to see a lot of progression. For TRX beginners I would recommend using the TRX 2-3 times a week incorporated into a full body workout plan. If your not a beginner and are looking for a wider variety of TRX Core Exercises click here to read our definitive guide of TRX Core exercises.

Benefits Of TRX Abdominal Exercises For Beginners

1. Adds Variety

Using a TRX can be a great way for a beginner to add some variety into their training. This can make training more fun and enjoyable allowing you to be more consistent. Sit ups and planks may be effective, but doing just these can make training very mundane.

2. Gently Way To Add Difficulty

The TRX is a gentle way to add some more challenging exercises into a training programme, due to the instability of the handles a lot of the exercises require core stabilisation. This core stabilisation will create adaptations to improve your core stability.

3. Helps Body Awareness

Dealing with having your feet or hands in the TRX and moving with control can be a great way to increase body awareness. As a beginner it’s important to learn to be aware of how your body moves and adding a TRX into your training can help.

Is TRX Suitable For Beginners

The TRX is one of the most versatile home training tools that is extremely effective for beginners, much more so than advanced trainees. It allows people to use a large variety of movements many of which are suitable for beginners. It can even make bodyweight exercises simpler, take a squat with TRX support for example, this variations makes the classic air squat accessible for complete beginners.

The Best TRX Core Exercises For Beginners

Buy a TRX
Anterior Core
Buy a TRX
Anterior Core
Buy a TRX
Anterior Core
Buy a TRX
Anterior Core
Buy a TRX
Anterior Core
Buy a TRX
Anterior Core

Sample Beginner TRX Workout For The Core

Complete 3 rounds

1. TRX Mountain Climbers

Complete 10 repetitions

2. TRX Fall-Outs

Complete 30 repetitions

More TRX Exercises

Here are some more TRX suspension trainer exercises you might want to consider using in your training. If you want to check out even more have a scroll through our movement library.

Buy a TRX
Upper Body
Horizontal Pull
Buy a TRX
Lower Body
Loaded Stretching

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This resource was written by Sean Klein. Sean Richard Klein has thousands of hours of coaching experience and a BSc in Sports Science with Management from Loughborough University. He owns a gym in Bayonne France, CrossFit Essor, which runs group classes and a Personal training studio.

Sean Klein


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