The Definitive TRX Core Exercises List (16 exercises + workout)

Using TRX suspension training to workout is a great way to stay fit and healthy. TRX core workouts are also an effective way to train the abdominals. Each TRX exercise in this list can be added into your core work to improve your training regime.

7 min read
Sean Klein
Written by
Sean Klein
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Last updated
Anterior Core
Anterior Core
Anterior Core
Anterior Core
Anterior Core

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Anterior Core
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Anterior Core
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In This Resource
  • Beginner TRX Core Workout
  • Advanced TRX Core Workout
  • Benefits Of TRX Core Exercises
  • 1. Add’s Another Layer Of Difficulty
  • 2. Easily Accessible And Transportable
  • 3. Targets All Movement Patterns
  • 4. Great For Beginners To Advanced
  • How To Use TRX Ab Exercises
  • 1. Don’t Get Ahead Of Yourself
  • 2. Pick Progressively More Challenging Variations
  • 3. Use All Movement Patterns
  • 4. Use A Variety Of Methods
  • More TRX Suspension Training Exercises

You certainly don’t need a lot of equipment to develop a strong and robust core musculature. With just your bodyweight and TRX you’ll have access to hundreds of core variations. We have 16 diverse and challenging core exercises that you can start adding into your training today. We even created workouts for both beginner and advanced individuals so you can see how a session is structured and try it out.

Beginner TRX Core Workout

Complete 3 rounds

1. TRX Forward Lean

Hold for 35 seconds

2. TRX Side Plank

Hold for 15 seconds

3. TRX Serratus Slides (Or Body Saws)

Complete 10 repetitions

Advanced TRX Core Workout

Complete 3 rounds

1. TRX Pike

Complete 8 repetitions

2. TRX Straight Arm Side Plank

Hold for 15 seconds

3. TRX Fall-Outs with Choas

Complete 8 repetitions

Benefits Of TRX Core Exercises

1. Add’s Another Layer Of Difficulty

Training at home with just your bodyweight can be a great way to stay strong and healthy, but having a few extra bits of equipment can really help add another layer of difficulty, especially for abdominal training. This increased difficulty will allow you to push your training to a new level and see more results than with just bodyweight exercises. Adding TRX workouts and TRX exercises in general into your training regime can really help push your training to the next level.

2. Easily Accessible And Transportable

The beauty of the TRX is how easy it is to transport. With a TRX, a band and some sliders you can create create a very diverse strength and conditioning routine that incorporates all manner of TRX workout patterns. Other styles of equipment simply do not have this level of accessibility, with all free weights they are very impractical to move around, making the TRX a perfect companion for someone who travels a great deal.

3. Targets All Movement Patterns

The TRX allows you to develop almost all movement patterns, meaning you can do excellent full body resistance training sessions. I would advice to get some sort of weight like a kettlebell or dumbbell if your trying to build a small home gym, as this will allow you to target your lower body more effectively than just using the TRX. Although the TRX can be great for beginners learning each new position and easing into lower body movements.

4. Great For Beginners To Advanced

With such a wide array of movements available, the TRX can be effective for both beginners and advanced trainees. For beginners the TRX can be the main basis of the program, helping their upper, lower, core and full body strength. For advanced individuals it can be a great addition, especially to core work and challenging upper body variations. Also it can be great for maintenance for advanced individuals if they don’t have access to a gym.

How To Use TRX Ab Exercises

1. Don’t Get Ahead Of Yourself

There are some very challenging exercises listed below, don’t underestimate how challenging some of them can be. If you start trying to do exercises you’re not ready for you’ll end up not performing them correctly and not getting any of the results from the work you do.

2. Pick Progressively More Challenging Variations

Start with the simple variations and positions that you can perform with great technique. Make these exercises progressively harder through adding volume (sets and repetitions) over time. Once you have mastered the simple exercises add complexity by attempting a more challenging variation.

Let’s use an example of of some of the core exercises in the list above. For our example we will take someone who is already competent in the weight room and is looking to use the TRX to develop their anterior core. With a client like this I would likely start on a challenging, but very attainable exercise for someone of his ability, the TRX Fall Outs . Then after a month or two of perfecting this exercise I would progress the variation to Single Leg TRX Fall Outs , adding another layer of instability into the exercise. Finally I would move to the TRX Serratus Slide with Bear Crawl . When we look at where we started and where we ended up we can see an obvious progression in difficulty.

Buy a TRX
Anterior Core
Buy a TRX
Anterior Core
Buy a TRX
Anterior Core

3. Use All Movement Patterns

The TRX is such a versatile tool for training your core, make sure you use it as such. When training the core we are using four main movement patterns

Make sure your incorporating all four styles of movement pattern to build a strong well rounded core. Rotation exercises can be tough with the TRX so you may want to use other pieces of equipment for this style of movements.

4. Use A Variety Of Methods

Using different methods can keep training fun and interesting. Using different methods you can create thousands of different TRX ab workout variations. By methods I mean the structure of your core session. You can use the traditional sets and reps prescription or use time formats like EMOM’s and AMRAP’s. These will keep you invested and interested in your training.

More TRX Suspension Training Exercises

Buy a TRX
Upper Body
Horizontal Press
Buy a TRX
Lower Body
Buy a TRX
Upper Body
Horizontal Pull

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This resource was written by Sean Klein. Sean Richard Klein has thousands of hours of coaching experience and a BSc in Sports Science with Management from Loughborough University. He owns a gym in Bayonne France, CrossFit Essor, which runs group classes and a Personal training studio.

Sean Klein


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