The 8 Best Skiing Exercises At Home

Preparing for skiing physically can be difficult task, especially if you don’t have access to any resistance training equipment and are training at home. Most of the content available to prepare for skiing involves using free weights or access to a gym, so we have curated this list of exercises you can use to prepare for your ski trip while training at home. The resource is for people of all abilities, from beginner too advanced, so let’s dive in and look at the exercises you can use at home to prep for skiing.

6 min read
Sean Klein
Written by
Sean Klein
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Anterior Core
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Lower Body
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Anterior Core
In This Resource
  • The 8 Best Skiing Exercises at Home
  • Sample Circuit for Skiing At Home (Beginner)
  • Sample Circuit for Skiing At Home (Advanced)

The 8 Best Skiing Exercises at Home

Lower Body

The Wall Supported Squat in Lunge is a great bodyweight variation beginners can use to build their single leg strength, which will be highly beneficial for skiing. The wall support allows beginners to focus on just taking their weight through the single leg rather than having to worry about balance as well in a normal reverse lunge or squat in lunge. Although this exercise can be very effective for those who are beginners, for more intermediate and advanced individuals it will not create enough stimulus at all to create adaptation.

Lower Body

Hamstring Walk Outs are one of the best ways to develop the posterior chain for skiing at home. This is an advanced exercise that should not be attempted by beginners as it is very likely that they will not have the hamstring strength to support their own bodyweight. This exercise should be performed very slowly, taking small incremental steps, spending time on one foot with all the weight going through the single hamstring will create a huge amount of stimulus that even very advanced individuals can find very challenging.

Lower Body

The Front and Back Reach is a balance exercise design primarily to create adaptation in beginners and intermediate individuals, but can also be a great warm up option for more advanced individuals. For skiing exercises like this are a brilliant way to prepare at home, you’re going to be spending a lot of time on one leg and therefore getting comfortable with this before you leave for your trip can be highly beneficial.

Anterior Core

Deadbugs are a great way to develop the muscle of the core while at home, the key point for this exercise is keeping the lower back pressed into the floor. If the lower back is not pressed into the floor then the exercise is not being performed correctly and is not creating an adaptation. Also, do not try and lower the foot and the hand too close to the floor as this will cause a loss of position and lift the lower back from the floor.

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Lower Body

DB Quad Dominant Squat in Lunge is an exercise that can be performed at home without dumbbells, which reduces the load yes, but a great deal of stimulus can still be created if you add a strict tempo to the exercise by slowing it down as much as possible. This exercise should be used instead of the wall supported squat in lunges mentions above if you’re a more advanced individual and are looking for more challenging exercises. This is one of the best exercises in your arsenal for strengthening the knee joint and the muscles surrounding it and can be very valuable for those looking to prepare for skiing while at home.

Lower Body

The Wall Supported Single Arm Straight Leg Deadlift is a great entry point to the hinge movement pattern at home. That doesn’t by any means that this exercise is easy to perform, single leg hinge variations like this one are very challenging to perform with precision. The hardest part about this exercise is keeping the hips square, as you lower your chest to the floor, your body will want to rotate, but you need to use the muscles in your hips and core to control this.

Lower Body

Ski - jumps are more of an advanced exercise for developing both balance and co-ordination. They can be used to great success to develop these two qualities, be sure that you can already comfortable perform both opposite side reaches and front and back reaches before attempting this exercise. If you have trouble stabilising your bodyweight when one foot is staying fixed on the floor then when you add jumping and landing into the mix this exercise is going to be too challenging.

Anterior Core

Long Lever Plank is an advanced version of an anterior core exercise that can be used to develop the abdominals at home. This exercise needs to be done with a posterior pelvic tilt in order to create an adaptation in the pelvis, so make sure that you’re using the right positions while performing this exercise.

Sample Circuit for Skiing At Home (Beginner)

Complete 3 rounds

1. Wall Supported Squat in Lunge

Complete 6 repetitions

2. Front Squat

Complete 10 repetitions

3. Single Leg Straight Leg Deadlift with Wall Support

Complete 8 repetitions

Sample Circuit for Skiing At Home (Advanced)

Complete 3 rounds

1. Hamstring Walk Outs

Complete 6 repetitions

2. Ski Jumps

Complete 5 repetitions

3. Long Lever Plank

Hold for 45 seconds

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This resource was written by Sean Klein. Sean Richard Klein has thousands of hours of coaching experience and a BSc in Sports Science with Management from Loughborough University. He owns a gym in Bayonne France, CrossFit Essor, which runs group classes and a Personal training studio.

Sean Klein


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