The 5 Safest Core Exercises For Your Next Abdominal Workout

The abdominal muscles are relatively safe to train. Each abdominal exercise comes with its own risks, but most of them are minimal. When selecting an ab workout be sure to pick exercises you feel you can perform safely but still work your muscles effectively.

3 min read
Sean Klein
Written by
Sean Klein
Published on
Last updated
In This Resource
  • The 5 Safest Core Exercises For Your Next Workout
  • Sample Of A Risk Free Core Workout
  • Common Questions
  • How Can I Strengthen My Core Without Hurting My Back?
  • How Can I Train My Abdominal Muscles Without Risking Injury?
  • Which Ab Exercise Is The Safest?

Safety and simplicity often go hand in hand that why we picked some of the simplest and safest exercises for you to pick from. Another key aspect of choosing a safe core exercise is weight selection, always start with a conservative estimate of what you can do and increase the load if you feel comfortable. Most core exercises are very safe if they are prescribed correctly, in most cases movement of any form is safer than not moving the important aspect is to chose exercises you feel comfortable performing. Here are a sample of 5 simple and safe core exercises you can use in your next workout.

The 5 Safest Core Exercises For Your Next Workout

Buy a Rack
Anterior Core
Buy Bands
Resisting Rotation
Buy Kettlebells
Resisting Rotation
Anterior Core
Anterior Core

Sample Of A Risk Free Core Workout

Complete 3 rounds

1. Modified Deadbugs with Isometric Press

Complete 8 repetitions

2. Single Arm KB Farmers Carry

Move for 20 meters

3. Bear Crawl Hold

Hold for 20 seconds

Common Questions

How Can I Strengthen My Core Without Hurting My Back?

You need to be very careful to pick exercises that do not aggravate your back pain. The best would be to go and consult with a physio therapist and they will be able to provide ample exercises you’ll be able to perform without pain.

How Can I Train My Abdominal Muscles Without Risking Injury?

It’s hard to do anything in life without risking injury, but most abdominal exercise pose very little danger. The key to minimising risk is by ensuring your physically prepared for the exercise regime your about to take on by consulting with a physio or a doctor and by picking simple core exercises that you can perform with good technique.

Which Ab Exercise Is The Safest?

There is no safest ab exercise, most of them pose little to no danger unless you have a specific injury history that needs to be discussed with a physio therapist.

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This resource was written by Sean Klein. Sean Richard Klein has thousands of hours of coaching experience and a BSc in Sports Science with Management from Loughborough University. He owns a gym in Bayonne France, CrossFit Essor, which runs group classes and a Personal training studio.

Sean Klein


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