The 11 Kettlebell Exercises For Baseball Players To Improve Perfromance and Mitigate Injury

Kettlebell exercise can be a great addition to a baseball players workout routine. A Kettlebell workout can have numerous goal adaptations as its such a versatile tool, from increased strength to shoulder stability.

5 min read
Sean Klein
Written by
Sean Klein
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Last updated
In This Resource
  • The 11 Kettlebell Exercises For Baseball Players To Improve Perfromance and Mitigate Injury
  • Common Questions
  • Are Kettlebell Swings Good For Baseball Athletes?
  • What Is The Best Workout For a Baseball Player?
  • What Lifts Are Good For Baseball Performance?
  • Drills Or Strength Training For Baseball

Baseball is an extremely demanding sport, making strength and conditioning very important to building resilient, injury free athletes.

Kettlebells can be a great tool to use in order to create the adaptions required for baseball players. Having a well rounded full body resistance training will be very beneficial to baseball players. While also incorperating more specific exercises for pitches to promote shoulder health. I have added the key movement patterns and exercises for both the core musculature and shoulder health.

The 11 Kettlebell Exercises For Baseball Players To Improve Perfromance and Mitigate Injury

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Lower Body
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Lower Body
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Upper Body
Horizontal Pull
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Upper Body
Horizontal Pull
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Upper Body
Horizontal Press
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Upper Body
Horizontal Press
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Upper Body
Vertical Pull
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Upper Body
Vertical Pull
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Lower Body
Buy Kettlebells
Lower Body
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Common Questions

Are Kettlebell Swings Good For Baseball Athletes?

A baseball player can benefit from kettlebell swing however it want apply directly to the sport and doesn’t hold any special importance in terms of training adaptations to baseball. That being said it could easily make sense withing a baseball players strength and conditioning programme.

What Is The Best Workout For a Baseball Player?

Baseball players need to be strong and athletic with very sturdy shoulders. That being said, there are so many ways and workouts to achevie these goals that you can’t really point to a best workout for baseball players. Repetition of the fundamental movement patterns with high movement quality is proabably the best long term strategy for workout out to improve baseball performance.

What Lifts Are Good For Baseball Performance?

The hex bar deadlift. So many lifts are good, but you really can’t go wrong with this one.

Drills Or Strength Training For Baseball

Drills are more important untill your extremely proficient, then a healthy dose of both with a lot of rest and recovery.

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This resource was written by Sean Klein. Sean Richard Klein has thousands of hours of coaching experience and a BSc in Sports Science with Management from Loughborough University. He owns a gym in Bayonne France, CrossFit Essor, which runs group classes and a Personal training studio.

Sean Klein


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