The 12 Essential Kettlebell Exercises For All Abilities

You don’t need access to a full gym to stay in great shape, in-fact, all you need is 1-2 kettlebells and your sorted! Most people feel like if they can’t make it to the gym then they can’t get in a good workout, but this simply isn’t the case. We have 12 of the essential kettlebell movements for all levels of ability plus a full body workout you can do today, let’s dive in.

5 min read
Sean Klein
Written by
Sean Klein
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Last updated
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In This Resource
  • The 5 Benefits Of Kettlebell Training
  • 1. Variety
  • 2. Accessibility
  • 3. All Abilities
  • 4. Functional Strength Gain
  • 5. Mobility Improvements
  • How to Implement Kettlebell Exercises into your Workouts
  • 1. Limited Equipment VS Full Gym
  • 2. Beginner VS Advanced
  • 3. HIIT
  • Sample Kettlebell Full Body Workout
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • More Kettlebell Exercises

The 5 Benefits Of Kettlebell Training

1. Variety

The kettlebell is such a versatile tool that there are such a large variety of exercise variations for every movement pattern. This can help keep training fun and interesting which can often lead to more sustainable results.

2. Accessibility

Even with just one kettlebell you can stay in good shape, with the knowledge you will be able to create interesting and challenging workouts with just this one piece of equipment. Kettlebells are not that expensive and can easily be stored at home as they don’t take up too much space, making them easily accessible.

3. All Abilities

Unlike some pieces of equipment, the kettlebell is open to all different levels of ability and experience, people who have never stepped into a gym and people who have been training for years can use them and both will see great results when used correctly.

4. Functional Strength Gain

A lot of the movement done with kettlebells require a lot engagement of the core musculature, especially the single kettlebell exercises, this means they transfer very well to sports performance athletes as well as general life like situations.

5. Mobility Improvements

Kettlebell exercises can put the body through some tough ranges of motion, including during strength training. This will over time improve your flexibility and stability resulting in a stronger, more mobile body.

How to Implement Kettlebell Exercises into your Workouts

Kettlebell exercises can be implemented into your workouts in many ways, a lot depends on your goals, your ability levels and how much equipment you have access to. Today we’re mainly going to be discussing kettlebell exercises for strength and muscle gain.

1. Limited Equipment VS Full Gym

If you only have access to one or two kettlebells, then they will be the basis of your full body strength training regime, mixed in with bodyweight variations. However if you have access to barbells and dumbbells then they will likely play some part in your training but only where they are the best tool.

2. Beginner VS Advanced

If your a beginner just getting into strength training then kettlebells are such a good entry point to learning all the different movement patterns involved in resistance training. Whereas if you are an advanced practitioner, kettlebells might make up a small part of your training regime.

It sounds obvious, but if you are a beginner, start at the beginning, pick simple exercises that don’t require high skill levels, this will allow you to make physical changes while also acquiring new skills. We have created a specific list of exercises just for beginners which you can check out here.


Finally kettlebells can be an excellent tool for creating HIIT workouts at home, but these should only be done by those who have some experience and feel confident training with a kettlebell at a high intensity. If you would like to know more about this read this article.

Sample Kettlebell Full Body Workout

Step 1

Complete 3 rounds

1. KB Deadlift

Complete 12 repetitions

2. KB Floor Press

Complete 10 repetitions

Step 2

Complete 3 rounds

1. Goblet Curtsy Squat

Complete 12 repetitions

2. Half Kneeling KB Press

Complete 10 repetitions

Step 3

Complete 3 rounds

1. Cross Chop

Complete 8 repetitions

2. Single Arm KB Farmers Carry

Move for 12 meters

More Kettlebell Exercises

Buy Kettlebells
Upper Body
Horizontal Pull
Buy Kettlebells
Upper Body
Horizontal Pull
Buy Kettlebells
Lower Body

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This resource was written by Sean Klein. Sean Richard Klein has thousands of hours of coaching experience and a BSc in Sports Science with Management from Loughborough University. He owns a gym in Bayonne France, CrossFit Essor, which runs group classes and a Personal training studio.

Sean Klein


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