Which is More Effective: Isometric vs Eccentric Exercises

Isometric and eccentric training both have their merits and are both effective when used in appropriate situations. That being said, eccentric exercises should appear more often in your training plan as isometrics are used in very specific situations. In this article I will discuss what both isometric training and eccentric training is and how they can be used effectively. Finally I will provide some of my favourite variations.

4 min read
Sean Klein
Written by
Sean Klein
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In This Resource
  • What Is Isometric Training
  • What Is Eccentric Training
  • Where Is Isometric Training More Effective
  • Where is Eccentric Training More Effective
  • Which is More Effective: Isometric vs Eccentric Exercises
  • No Magic Tricks
  • Examples

What Is Isometric Training

Isometric training is where a specific position is held to build strength and or endurance in that position. This style of training targets a specific part of a movement pattern rather than working both the eccentric and concentric phase of the contraction.

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What Is Eccentric Training

Eccentric training involves training the eccentric component of a movement pattern. A movement is made of two phases, the eccentric contract where muscles are lengthening and the concentric contraction. When we think about a pull up for example, as a person moves towards the floor they are performing the eccentric phase whereas when a person is moving towards the pull up bar they are performing the concentric part of the contraction. So when we perform an eccentric pull up, only the eccentric part of the movement are being worked.

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Where Is Isometric Training More Effective

Isometric training is more effective when looking to build strength at a specific part of a movement pattern. As an example, lets say an individual is trying to get stronger at press ups, but finds the bottom of the press up very difficult. In this scenario you may consider using the bottom of press up hold to help strengthen this position. Although this would be a great use case for an isometric exercise, I would still recommend having both a full contraction and or an eccentric contraction within your training week to ensure you are working the muscles through their full range of motion. Isometrics are more supplemental work to strengthen specific points of weakness within a movement pattern. Isometric contractions can also be very beneficial for beginners taking their first steps with specific movements like pull up and press ups.

Where is Eccentric Training More Effective

The eccentric movement pattern moves the muscle through its full range of motion, making it very effective at creating fatigue and therefore adaptation. It is effective at building both strength and hypertrophy and also a great way for beginners to improve skill acquisition through taking their time on movements.

Which is More Effective: Isometric vs Eccentric Exercises

In my opinion, eccentric exercises are far more effective than isometrics exercises as they move the muscle through the full range of motion creating a full contraction. That being said isometric contractions can have their place in training programmes and are very effective at gaining strength in specific parts of movement patterns.

No Magic Tricks

Neither eccentric training nor isometric training have magically properties which allow you to make huge amounts of progress. Try using both in your training plans and see how you progress using them.


Here are some of my favourite isometric and eccentric exercises.

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This resource was written by Sean Klein. Sean Richard Klein has thousands of hours of coaching experience and a BSc in Sports Science with Management from Loughborough University. He owns a gym in Bayonne France, CrossFit Essor, which runs group classes and a Personal training studio.

Sean Klein


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