Try These 3 TRX Lunge Variations For Lower Body Strength + Mobility

The TRX is a versatile and effective tool, it is not known for its lower body development however. In this article we will look through 3 TRX lunge Variations you can potentially add into your training routine.

4 min read
Sean Klein
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Sean Klein
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Lower Body
Lower Body
Lower Body
Loaded Stretching

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In This Resource
  • Benefits of Lunging With a TRX
  • Regressions to Bodyweight Variations
  • Mobility Progression
  • Skill Acquisition
  • Try These 3 TRX Lunge Variations For Lower Body Strength + Mobility

Benefits of Lunging With a TRX

Regressions to Bodyweight Variations

Beginners can often find lunging an extremely challenging exercise, so challenging in fact that it can be necessary to reduce the load of traditional lunge exercises in order for them to be performed with good technique. The TRX is one of the best tools to reduce the load of a lunge, this is done through using the upper body by gripping the TRX. This can give people who are just learning how to lunge a confidence boost while helping them develop their strength through the movement pattern.

Mobility Progression

When individuals start training after long periods of being sedentary, it can be particularly difficult to move through the hips, knee and ankle joints through the lunge movement pattern. This is where a TRX can be particularly helpful, these mobility limitations can be tackled gently and with confidence through using the TRX as an aide. When we lack range of motion in a movement pattern, we need to consistently move through that range of motion progressively increasing it over time.

Skill Acquisition

When learning more complex lunge variations, like the curtsy squat, it can be very useful to use the TRX to help ease through this skill acquisition process. Even if the strength and coordination is good enough to perform the movement, simplifying it through placing less load on it can be highly beneficial.

Try These 3 TRX Lunge Variations For Lower Body Strength + Mobility

Buy a TRX
Lower Body

The TRX Reverse lunge is one of the best ways to allow beginners to move through the lunge movement pattern with confidence. This allows the individual to take some of their bodyweight through their hands and focus on the technique of the lunge. Lunges can be very tough for individuals who are elderly, going through rehabilitation or have just been sedentary for an extended period of time, making the TRX reverse lunge a very effective exercise.

Buy a TRX
Lower Body

The TRX Curtsy squat is a brilliant way to approach the technically challenging curtsy squat for beginners. The foot placement in the curtsy squat is very difficult so whilst the skill is being learned it can be effective to take the load off the movement using the TRX. The curtsy squat is also a physically challenging variation so using this to increase the strength of the lower body is also a great option for beginners.

Buy a TRX
Lower Body
Loaded Stretching

The TRX lateral lunge is a great alternative to the traditional lateral lunge as taking the load off, through the TRX, we are able to challenge the range of motion with confidence. This in turn allows us push our range of motion to its max whilst being aware that we do not have to lunge out of the position as we can use our upper bodies to pull ourselves up.

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This resource was written by Sean Klein. Sean Richard Klein has thousands of hours of coaching experience and a BSc in Sports Science with Management from Loughborough University. He owns a gym in Bayonne France, CrossFit Essor, which runs group classes and a Personal training studio.

Sean Klein


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