The assault bike is an extremely effective tool for those looking to progress the cardiovascular system. In this article I will provide a brief overview of the three style of training it allows you to perform.
Yes, the assault bike is one of the most effective training devices for the cardiovascular system. It is particularly effective for high intensity interval training.
HIIT, also known as high intensity interval training is one of the most effective ways to progress the cardiovascular system. It involve repeated bouts of high outputs on cardiovascular exercises, the assault bike being one of these.
LISS, low intensity steady state, is also a very effective form of progressing the cardiovascular system. LISS is where a moderate heart rate is maintained for an extended, continuous period of time, usually for more than 45 minutes. LISS can also be performed on the assault bike, though due to the high drag some beginner may find performing LISS on the assault bike challenging.
Mixed model conditioning, very similar to CrossFit workouts, are also a great utilisation of the assault bike. These include mixing movements into a high intensity output session which is also a very effective way at improving the cardiovascular system.
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This resource was written by Sean Klein. Sean Richard Klein has thousands of hours of coaching experience and a BSc in Sports Science with Management from Loughborough University. He owns a gym in Bayonne France, CrossFit Essor, which runs group classes and a Personal training studio.