Q&A: Is A Rowing Machine A Good Workout

The rowing machine is one of the most effect devices to help us train the cardiovascular system. In this article I will discuss how we define what a “good workout” is and why the rowing machine fits that criteria.

2 min read
Sean Klein
Written by
Sean Klein
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In This Resource
  • Simple Answer
  • Defining A “Good Workout”
  • How To Effectively Use the Rowing Machine
  • HIIT
  • Sample HIIT Session
  • LISS
  • Sample Low Intensity Session
  • Importance of Technical Mastery

Simple Answer

Yes, using the rowing machine is a very effective workout. The rowing machine is one of the best erg machines available to progress the cardiovascular system.

Defining A “Good Workout”

A good workout is a training session that allows us to move towards our goals through creating the physiological adaptations we are seeking. It may also mean enjoying yourself while performing the workout, but for the purposes of this question, let’s just stay with the physiological adaptations.

The rower is a very effective way to improve cardiovascular health, it can be used for both high intensity interval training and low intensity steady state training. If this is the training adaptation you are looking to achieve then it is a very effective workout. If you are looking to build muscle or strength then it is not an effective workout.

How To Effectively Use the Rowing Machine


The rowing machine is one of the best cardiovascular machines for high intensity interval training. This is when you perform short bouts of very taxing output multiple times with rest between.

Sample HIIT Session

4 x 4 minutes with 3’ rest

Aim for 80-90% output during the 4 minute interval.


The rowing machine can also be very effectively used to build cardiovascular endurance through performing LISS (low intensity steady state). This is where the heart rate is elevated to around 60-75% for extended periods of time, remaining stable throughout.

Sample Low Intensity Session

30 minutes @70% heart rate

Importance of Technical Mastery

It cannot be understated how important good technique is on the rower when using it to achieve cardiovascular adaptations. Take your time to ensure that your technique is excellent before accumulating high levels of fatigue on this machine.

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This resource was written by Sean Klein. Sean Richard Klein has thousands of hours of coaching experience and a BSc in Sports Science with Management from Loughborough University. He owns a gym in Bayonne France, CrossFit Essor, which runs group classes and a Personal training studio.

Sean Klein


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