Improve Your Running Performance With These 6 Strength Exercises For Runners

Strength training is very beneficial to running performance, but once we are aware of this, how do we successfully implement strength training into runners training programmes? This can be difficult for a lot of runners, because they are so focused on their running programming and strength training can seem like a difficult world that can seem daunting. Let’s look at six exercises that you can use today to improve your running performance.

4 min read
Sean Klein
Written by
Sean Klein
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In This Resource
  • Benefits of Strength Training for Running
  • Improved Running Economy
  • Injury Mitigation
  • Should I Do Muscular Endurance or Strength
  • Think in Movement Patterns, Not Exercises or Equipment
  • Try These 6 Strength Exercises For Runners

Strength training is very beneficial to running performance, but once we are aware of this, how do we successfully implement strength training into runners training programmes? This can be difficult for a lot of runners, because they are so focused on their running programming and strength training can seem like a difficult world that can seem daunting. Let’s look at six exercises that you can use today to improve your running performance.

Benefits of Strength Training for Running

Improved Running Economy

Running economy is made up of numerous different factors, one of them being your neuromuscular ability to contract your muscles. This is a part of running economy that we can drastically increase through using strength training. Strength training will allow you to produce more force, allowing you to run faster at your VO2 max, therefore allowing you to improve your performance.

Injury Mitigation

Strength training can also be used to help mitigate injury through improving muscle and tendon strengthen meaning you will less likely to get injured. Strength training can also improve stability and core strength, which can mitigate injuries from poor balance. Finally, strength training done over long periods of time can increase bone density, which can prevent more serious running injuries which can occur.

Should I Do Muscular Endurance or Strength

It can be slightly counter intuitive that runners should be trying to lift heavy weights, when they are performing endurance feats. However when we consider why we perform strength training to improve running, the adaptation that will improve running is increasing the strength of the muscle (the amount of force the muscle can produce) not increasing the endurance of the muscle. Therefore we need to perform low repetitions with heavy loads to obtain the adaptations we are looking to achieve.

Think in Movement Patterns, Not Exercises or Equipment

When looking through the exercises provided, it’s important to note that it isn’t the exercises specifically that I am prescribing, it is the movement pattern. By this I mean then when I say runners should perform a barbell straight leg deadlift, what I mean is runners should consistently be strengthening their hinge movement patter and one way to achieve this is through the barbell straight leg deadlift. You could also use the kettlebell straight leg deadlift or you could use a DB Crush Grip Wide Stance Straight leg Deadlift to similar effect.

Try These 6 Strength Exercises For Runners

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This resource was written by Sean Klein. Sean Richard Klein has thousands of hours of coaching experience and a BSc in Sports Science with Management from Loughborough University. He owns a gym in Bayonne France, CrossFit Essor, which runs group classes and a Personal training studio.

Sean Klein


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