7 Kettlebell Exercises For Cyclists To Add To Their Workout Routine

A kettlebell workout can be a very effective way for cyclist to train in the offseason, when they are not doing a daily cyling workout or if they are just a recreational cylist looking to improve health and wellness. Training away from the bike from time to time can be extremely beneficial.

4 min read
Sean Klein
Written by
Sean Klein
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Last updated
In This Resource
  • 7 Kettlebell Exercises For Cyclist To Add To Their Workout Routine
  • Common Questions
  • What Workouts Should A Cyclist Do?
  • Should Cyclists Lift Weights And Strength Training?
  • Will Training With Kettlebells Effect My Body Shape For Cylcing?

Having a varied exercise routine can be very benficial to both health and performance of cyclists. Obviously having additional muscle mass is not a goal of cyclist, especially upper body, but if your not a professional cyclist and want to be a well rounded healthy individual adding strength training into your regime can be extremely worth while. Here are 7 exercises cyclists might want to consider adding into their workouts.

7 Kettlebell Exercises For Cyclist To Add To Their Workout Routine

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Lower Body
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Lower Body
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Lower Body
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Lower Body
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Full Body
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Upper Body
Horizontal Press
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Lower Body

Common Questions

What Workouts Should A Cyclist Do?

Cylicng. Specificity is the most important principle when looking to progress at anything, therefore if you want to get better at cycling the best thing to do is cycle.

Should Cyclists Lift Weights And Strength Training?

Workouts in the gym can be great, especially for recreational cyclists who are just ding it for fun and health, cycling is great for cardiovascualar health but not very effective for maintaining muscle mass, infact as its a non-load bearing activity anding weights into your routine will be very important especially as you age. That being said if your a serious cyclist, 98% of your time should be spent on the bike.

Will Training With Kettlebells Effect My Body Shape For Cylcing?

No, unless your doing some serious hypertrophy sessions 3-5 times a week its going to be very hard to gain substancial amounts of muscle training less than 3 times a week. However it will allow you to maintain your current muscle mass.

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This resource was written by Sean Klein. Sean Richard Klein has thousands of hours of coaching experience and a BSc in Sports Science with Management from Loughborough University. He owns a gym in Bayonne France, CrossFit Essor, which runs group classes and a Personal training studio.

Sean Klein


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