KB Star Plank
The KB Star Plank is one of the most challenging core variations in Programme’s exercise library. It requires a great deal of stability in the shoulders, hips and obliques to perform correctly.
Benefits of KB Star Plank
The main benefit of the star side plank really depends on the individual and where their weaker points are. Those who don’t have a great deal of shoulder stability will find most benefit in developing shoulder stability. Those who lack hip stability will find the most benefit in developing that physical capacity. Either way it is a very beneficial exercise that targets, shoulder stability, hip stability and core strength.
KB Star Plank Muscles Worked
The primary muscles worked during kb star plank are the Obliques muscles.
- This is a challenging position to find so take your time. Firstly you will want to find a straight arm side plank.
- Next you will need to pick up the kettlebell and press it so that the arm is straight.
- Finally you will need to lift the leg to find the final star position. This is the position you will hold for the prescribed hold time.
Coaching Tips for KB Star Plank
Follow these cues to perform KB Star Plank correctly:
- Find the straight arm side plank with the elbow under the shoulder, then press the KB so that it is locked over the shoulder and lift the leg
- Keep hips high and in line with the shoulders.
Beginner | 15 Seconds | 3 Sets | 5lbs |
Intermediate | 16 Seconds | 4 Sets | 15lbs |
Advanced | 16 Seconds | 4 Sets | 20lbs |
How To Add KB Star Plank Into Your Programme
This exercise is very challenging and should only be used by those who are very advanced. This exercise may be considered a little “gimmicky” and will not be a regular occurrence in a great deal of training programmes. That being said it can be fun to master novel and challenging positions, so if you or your client have the capability it can be fun to try. Before trying this exercise that straight arm side plank should be mastered, then the KB straight arm side plank, with this exercise being the final variation.
Common Mistakes
- The biggest mistake with this exercise is attempting it when you do not have the capabilities. It is really complex and should only be done by those who can hold this position cleanly for at least
- seconds.
- The next biggest mistake is not taking your time finding the position, even more challenging than the hold itself is the finding of the initial position. So take your time and do not rush into the position.