About Us

On This Page
  • The Product
  • The Brand
  • The Team
  • OTK
  • Sean Klein
  • Business Details

Programme is a fitness company that has been in the business for over a decade. Our team of experienced fitness professionals is dedicated to helping people achieve their fitness goals by providing them with a personalized workout planner that is tailored to their specific needs and preferences.

The Product

Our product is designed to take the guesswork out of your fitness routine. We meticulously plan every workout for you based on your progress, equipment, and lifestyle, so you can focus on achieving your goals without worrying about the details. In addition to our workout planner, we also offer nutritional guidance and support to help you get the most out of your fitness journey. Whether you are just starting out or looking to take your fitness to the next level, Programme is here to help you every step of the way.

The Brand

Programme is rooted in respect for the body and takes a holistic view on human health. We believe movement is a fundamental part of life, that's too often neglected and focused on how our bodies look rather than how they feel and perform. Programme offers practical, personal and sustainable training plans that help you create habits that respect the body and achieve life-long results, regardless of prior knowledge or experience.

Any meaningful brand tells a story that inspires. This requires an understanding of why we are here. Although our product exists on modern devices, our offering is access to what is already innately human — movement. Our brand will tell the story of movement to inspire our customers to move again, and our product will make movement accessible to many.

The Team

We are a family-run business that Sean and Oliver Klein (OTK) co-founded. Founded during the pandemic which gave us a rare occasion to work together for an extended period of time. We take pride in both the training the application provides along with the resources on the website. We aim to provide a tool that effectively creates positive health interventions through resistance training.



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Programme Email

Sean Klein


Short Bio




Programme Email

Business Details

Phone Number

Email Address

Business Address

Customer Support - support@programme.app

Programme is a workout app that plans every workout for you

Programme learns from your past workouts, training experience and available equipment to create your optimal workout plan that adapts to your progress.